Accounting for Change to Employee Compensation Type

Any changes made to an employee’s profile in Zenefits related to compensation type (salaried vs. hourly) or compensation (annual salary vs. hourly rate) will be updated in the Zenefits ACA Compliance app. However, administrators may need to manually enter changes related to employee compensation in one of the these scenarios.

  • There were historical changes to employee compensation that are not captured in Zenefits (e.g., an employee received a raise prior to the company implementing Zenefits).

    • By default, Zenefits will display the employee’s current compensation type and compensation amount and use these values to calculate affordability of a given plan. If there were changes to these values prior to joining Zenefits, you should update using the instructions below.

  • The company has an employee whose compensation type frequently fluctuates between salaried and hourly, and the administrator doesn't want to constantly update this in Zenefits.

    • If this is the case, the administrator can go to the compensation field and enter the flat amount of pay that they received for any given month.

      • For example, in one month if the employee worked 20 hours at $50/ hour , the administrator would enter $1000 as the monthly pay received.

Instructions for Manual Employee Compensation Changes

  1. Log into Zenefits and click the ACA Compliance app.

  2. From the Employee Details table at the bottom of the ACA Compliance Overview page, select the employee for whom you wish to adjust compensation.

  3. This will display a pane on the right side. From this page, select the ACA Details tab.

  4. Select the Edit link in the top right.

  5. Go to the month during which the new compensation type will be active (or became active, for historical changes).

  6. In the Compensation field, adjust this value for the compensation type that is selected (e.g., annual salary, hourly rate or flat amount).

  7. Once the options are saved, the administrator will have the option to apply the changes to all future months, to all past months, or to a single month.

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