What are Labor Groups?

Labor fields are a way for companies to keep track of costs of each of their business units. Many organizations need to see how much each center is costing them in order to charge wage expenses to their funding source.

First things first: we'll need to set up your company and workers with labor fields. Check out the other areas of this FAQ to see how you can add Departments, Locations, and Positions.

Once you've set those up for your company, you can assign the correct labor groups to your workers as well:

  1. Click on the Directory app from your dashboard.
  2. Find the name of the individual you'd like to edit.
  3. Navigate to the Employment & Compensation section of their profile.
  4. You'll see that any previously assigned labor groups are populated here (i.e. Positions or Departments)
  5. Any additional changes that you'd like to make specific to this individual can be done here.
Once your company's labor fields have been set up, assigned, and customized to your desire, you can start adding earnings.

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