Enable paper checks in Zenefits

Zenefits supports both direct deposit and paper checks as payroll payment methods for all workers. Direct deposit is the default setting, but you can allow new hires to choose paper checks from the Configuring Hiring Process page. If you are enabling paper checks, you can follow the instructions on this page to print checks.

Direct Deposit and paper checks are the only methods that Zenefits supports. Zenefits does not print paper checks; the employer must follow the instructions here. Payments made directly to a debit card, pay card, or other sources are not currently supported.

To give workers the choice between direct deposit and paper checks:

  1. Click the Hiring app on your Zenefits dashboard.
  2. Click Settings at the top of the page.
  3. Click Optional Onboarding Questions on the left side of the page.
  4. Check the box next to Preferred Payment Method (Check or Direct Deposit).

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