Submit a new hire request as a manager

Managers with hiring authority can make requests to hire a new worker.

To hire someone as a manager:

  1. From the manager's dashboard, click Hire in the My Team card or Hiring app if present.

  2. Provide information about the hire, including contact information, work details, and employment information.

  3. Select the hiring documents to be sent to the new hire and documents to collect from the new hire

  4. Preview the offer letter and decide if the offer letter will be sent from Zenefits or directly from the Manager then click Send Request.

From here, an email will be sent detailing the new hire request and sent to the company's admin or approver(s) detailing the new hire request. The requesting Manager will receive an email once a decision has been made.

Email notifications are also sent to other Managers who may be impacted by the new hire. For example, if the new hire will have existing workers reporting to them, the current manager of those workers will be notified as well.

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