
This section displays all open and archived updated processed in your Zenefits account, in a checklist view to allow you to see all pending tasks organized by effective date. 

Updates Columns
  • Worker Icon: If an image has been uploaded to Zenefits, it will display here, otherwise, the worker's initials will be displayed.
  • Name: The first and last name of the worker will be displayed to ensure easy identification
  • Update Type: This column identifies the general type of update for the task.
  • Value: This is the value that is currently in Zenefits, and is not yet updated in the payroll system. If there are multiple updates, selecting the View  button will display the complete list of changes for that individual.
  • Effective Date: This is the date the change is to be effective in the payroll system. Depending on the payroll provider and the type of update, the admin may be able to enter the item prior to the effective date, however, not all payroll providers utilize this information.
  • History: An audit log of who requested a change, when the change was made, and who approved the change.
  • Action: This can be done at the individual level for single worker changes, or at the company level for all changes.
  • Complete: This marks the task as complete and moves it to the archive telling the system "I have updated this item in the payroll system".
  • Ignore: This marks the task as ignored and moves it to the archive tell the system "I am not going to update this item in the payroll system".
Hours Column
  • Worker Icon: If an image has been uploaded to Zenefits, it will display here, otherwise, the worker's initials will be displayed.
  • Name: The first and last name of the worker will be displayed to ensure easy identification
  • Regular Hours: This is the number of hours worked at their standard rate.
  • Overtime (OT): This is the number of overtime hours worked at the overtime rate (typically time and a half).
  • 2OT: This is the number of hours worked at the double time rate.
  • Holiday: This is the number of hours the worker is to be paid for holidays during the pay period.
  • Vacation: This is the number of hours the worker has taken off as vacation during this period.
  • Sick: This is the number of sick hours taken by the worker during the specified pay period.
  • Personal: This is a catch-all for all PTO that does not fall within the Vacation or Sick categories.
  • Total: This is the total of all hours reflected in this pay period.
  • History: An audit log of who requested a change, when a change was requested, and who approved the change.
  • Status: This is the column shows whether it was completed or ignored and when.
  • Action: At this time, the only action that can be completed in the archive is "Undo". This will return the task to the to do list in its original state. Details of this change will be retained in the history details

Additional Features

Multiple Changes: If there are multiple changes for an individual, they will be grouped under a single entry, by name. Selecting View will trigger the worker's profile to expand and display all applicable changes. You will be able to interact with each task independently.

Archive: This section contains all completed or ignored tasks organized in a to do checklist format, similar to the Updates section. This acts as a record and audit of all changes in payroll that were either completed or ignored. Items in the Updates Archive Tab are ordered by the date/time an action was taken on the task, with the most recent task listed first.

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