Update and Confirm Worker Info to Finish Zenefits Payroll Setup

When you're finishing setup for Zenefits Payroll, make sure that you've added all your current and former workers from the current year. They'll need to log in and provide their personal, bank, and tax information before you can complete setup. You can monitor their onboarding progress from the People tab during setup.

Current Employees

The Current Employees table will list all the employees who are either already in Zenefits, or were added during setup. For each, you can see:

  • If you sent them an email to onboard,
  • if they've logged in recently, and
  • if they've provided all the necessary information and completed their profile.

If there's someone missing, click + Add Current Employee and enter their employment information to add them. If you find that some employees are slow (or unable) to enter their information, click Edit> to go to that employee's profile page and enter the information for them.

Zenefits cannot implement companies who have current or former employees under the age of 14 in this current year.

Terminated Employees

If you indicated that you have prior payroll, you'll also see the Former Employees table from the Terminated tab.

  • If you've terminated employees through Zenefits, they'll show up here.
  • If you're totally new to Zenefits, or you've never terminated an employee in Zenefits, you'll need to manually add any former employees for the current year.

In either case, just click + Add Terminated Employee to add anyone who's missing. You'll need to provide their personal and employment information, including SSN and hire/termination date.

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