Workers' Compensation Report

Workers Compensation (WC) can have an impact in two different areas: benefits and premiums. The premium an employer pays for WC insurance is generally based on the type of business an employer engages in and the size of its payroll.

There is a new payroll report allowing your company's payroll admin to process their Workers Compensation analysis, reporting requirements, and liability payments.  This new report would also allow a company to participate in a WC insurance "Pay as you go" program, because they can run the report for any check date range.  The system will also provide the ability to add the Job Class Code and Job Rate to a Position at the Company Profile level.  

How does it work?

  • The admin will add a WC class code and rate to a Position Code.  
  • Ensure that all employees that they want covered in the WC premium calculations have at least one of these Positions assigned to them. 
During the payrun, the admin will need to associate the Position labor group to the payrun data.  That’s done using one of two ways:
  1. The Bulk Earnings sheet in the payrunFor every payrun, the admin will need to download the Bulk Sheet, assign the positions and then upload the bulk sheet back into the payrun.  
  2. The admin could also update each employee manually in the payrun by adding the labor group position to the earnings section.  
The assignment of the Position code is a requirement in order for the new report to work correctly.  

What do I do again?

  1. Add the Workers Comp Class Codes and associated rates to the Position labor group.  You do this in the Company Profile app / Work Groups tab / Positions section.
  2. Add Position codes to all applicable employees.
  3. Attach the Labor Group data to the payrun via the Bulk Earnings upload.
  4. Run the new WC report (payrun must be marked paid!).

How do I download the report?

Download the report in the Reports tab of the Payroll app. The report asks for the following criteria:  

  • Calculation Rule--choose to either multiply all wages for a job class by the rate, or multiply every $100 of wages by the rate.  
    Rate * Wages
    Rate * (Wages /100)
  • Check Date Range--pulls data by check date.
  • Employer Modification Rate--assigned by insurance carrier.  
  • Include Contingent Workers on the report
  • Format--Excel or CSV)

Note that the only runs available will be ones in the Paid status.

What the new report doesn't do:

Provide the Workers Comp Class Codes and Rates - admins have to know what these are and associate them to the Position code for their State and Jobs.

Integrate with any insurance vendors automatically

Capture the employer mod rate in the system. The admin has to enter this in the report criteria each time

Debit and Remit WC Insurance premium amounts.

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