Scheduling for Admins and Managers

Views and filters

Admins can see total scheduled hours daily at the top of each date's column, and total scheduled hours weekly per row. 

Admins can choose to view the schedule by People or by Position by selecting either option from the dropdown  next to the date selection. 

Admins can also further group this filter by Departments or by Locations by selecting from the dropdown next to the selected view.

Scheduling shifts

Admins can schedule shifts for anyone in the company. Managers will only be able to schedule shifts for their subordinates. The steps they take to schedule and edit these shifts will be the same.

    To enter a shift

    1. From the Scheduling app, click on the date you'd like to add a shift, or Add Shift from the toolbar.
    2. To save the shift, you must have a valid date & time.
    3. Either publish the shift now by clicking Save & Publish, or Save to return to the calendar without publishing.
    4. Once you Publish a shift, workers receive a notification that their schedule has been updated.
    At this time, meal breaks cannot be added to a shift.

    To copy an entire week's shift

    1. Click on the three stacked dots menu at the top right corner of the calendar.
    2. Click on Copy From Another Week.
    3. Select the week you'd like to copy.
    4. Click Copy to copy the week you're viewing.

    To edit a shift

    1. Click on the shift you'd like to edit.
    2. Make any desired adjustments.
    3. Either Save to return to the calendar without notifying the worker, or Save & Publish the shift to notify the worker of any changes.

    To delete a shift

    1. Hover over the shift you'd like to remove.
    2. Click the three stacked dots menu in the upper right corner of the shift.
    3. Select Delete Shift.

    1. Select the shift you wish to delete.
    2. On the pop-up window, click Delete this shift in the lower left corner.

    To publish an edited shift

    1. Make your desired edits on the shift. 
    2. Click on either Save or Save & Publish (to notify the worker).

    Discarding changes

    1. Click on the three stacked dots menu in the upper right corner.
    2. Select Discard Unpublished Shifts.
    3. Confirm that you'd like to continue by clicking Discard.
      *Please note that this will remove any unpublished changes to your current view.

    Clearing the schedule

    1. Click on the three stacked dots menu in the upper right corner.
    2. Click on Clear Schedule.
    3. Confirm that you'd like to continue by clicking Clear Schedule
      *Please note that all shifts (published and unpublished) in your current view will be deleted.
    clear schedule

    Set up recurring shifts

    To set up a recurring shift, you can click Add Shift or select one of the shifts already on the schedule.
    1. Once the shift details have been filled out, check the box next to Recurring Shift
    2. Select how often the shift will reoccur, on which days, and for how long the shift will reoccur (Indefinite means the shift will repeat forever).
    3. Click Save.
    4. All recurring shifts will be notated by the repeat symbol.

    Edit or delete a recurring shift

    1. Select the recurring shift you'd like to make changes to.
    2. Make any changes, if editing.
    3. When saving edits or deleting a recurring shift, you'll be asked if you'd like to apply these changes to one shift, or every recurring shift in that series.
    4. Click Save.
    Delete Edit Recurring

    Printing a schedule 

      1. Click on the three stacked dots menu in the upper right corner.
      2. Select Print, and the print view will display in your browser. 
      Want to learn more about Scheduling for Admins? Check out our free training!

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