Setting Up and Managing a Company Retirement Savings Plan

Zenefits has partnered with CopilotGuidelineHuman Interest, and Betterment to help you manage and oversee your company 401( k ) plan. 

The sync process allows us to import all of your existing company and employee information, such as your employee list, from Zenefits to either your CoPilot, Guideline, Human Interest, or Betterment account. Using information we've already collected from you in Zenefits lets you seamlessly set up and manage your company 401( k ) plan.

Syncing Payroll to your 401( k ) account also allows all changes to both your company plan and your workers' accounts to map to your payroll. This includes things such as changes to your company match amounts, or worker changes to their payroll deductions for 401( k ) contributions. 

If you're a company administrator, you can log into your CopilotGuidelineHuman Interest, or Betterment profile and directly manage your company plan from there. You'll be able to make any desired changes to your plan at any time (such as changing your company match amount) through one of our partner's portals. 

There is no cost to connect your 401( k ) provider with Zenefits. The payments will be handled directly with the 401( k ) provider for their service. 

For pricing and services please visit their websites below:

To request additional information about a provider, start in Zenefits by clicking on +Add an App. You may then click on the desired provider to read more information. To read more about connecting the app, please see this Help Center page. 


To sync Guideline, select +Add an App on your administrator dashboard. Select the provider you would like to sync with and click on Set Up. You will be taken to the provider's website to complete the enrollment. 

Please contact Guideline at 888-228-3491 or email with any questions.


Please contact Betterment via email at

Human Interest

Please contact Human Interest via email at Implementation


Please contact CoPilot  at 800-236-7400  to complete setup.

If your company is with Co-PilotGuidelineHuman Interest, or Betterment, you can change your contribution amount directly through our partner's portal. 

Still need our help? Our support team is waiting to help you. Contact us