FAQs about Contractors in Zenefits

The instructions below only apply to companies who use the Contractors app on their dashboard.

No, Zenefits does not allow an administrator to upload additional paperwork to a contractor's profile. Only the documents that the contractor has signed through the Zenefits platform will be stored in their profile.

Zenefits has transitioned from the Contractor Payments app to having Contingent Worker supported in Zenefits Payroll. As part of this transition Zenefits is no longer increasing Contractor Payment limits on the old tool, nor allowing the Contractor Payment tool to be used by new clients. Additionally, the Contractor Payments app will be deprecated in the near future. 

If you currently have Zenefits Payroll and need to transition your contractors to contingent workers in payroll please reach out to customer support. If you would like to sign up for Zenefits Payroll please reach out to Customer Care or your Account Manager.

The instructions below only apply to companies who use the Contractors app on their dashboard.

If a contractor payment fails, or the contractor doesn't receive the payment, follow these suggestions . First, check on the status of the payment by clicking Pay in the Contractors card, then Payment History. Find the payment in the table, and look in the Status column.

If the status is:

  • Pending: Zenefits hasn't pulled the funds from the account yet. Give it a day or two.
  • Sent: Zenefits has pulled the funds. Give it a few more days to reach the contractor. Payments can take up to 8-10 business days to complete.
  • Failed: Click on the red Failed link to see the reason for failure, and follow the instructions to resolve the issue. Then, contact Support once the issue is resolved so that Zenefits can resend the payment.

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