How do I transfer benefits when a worker is moving to a different linked company in Zenefits?

If a worker is transferring from one company to another company within Zenefits, and both companies share the same insurance policy, please contact our Customer Care Team and we will be happy to complete this for you. Zenefits will transfer the worker's benefit information from the original company to the new company with an effective date that aligns with the employment transfer date.
Note: If the companies share an insurance policy, but there are billing groups set up for the individual companies on that policy, Zenefits can transfer the benefits for you, but the broker will need to be contacted to ensure the billing group associated with the worker has been updated with the carrier.

If you're transferring a worker to a linked company that does not share the same insurance policy, the individual will need to be terminated and removed from insurance under the old company profile and enrolled as a new hire under the new company. If you have questions regarding waiving the new hire waiting period under the new employer policy, reach out to your insurance broker for questions and assistance.

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