SBC - COBRA Continuation Rights, Appeals, Minimum Essential Coverage

The SBC explains an enrollee's right to continue coverage under COBRA, how to submit appeals or file a grievance for claims, and confirms whether or not Minimum Essential Coverage and Minimum Value Standards are met by the plan.

This is the standard format for all SBCs up until April 1, 2017. Please refer to the SBC in question for details specific to that plan. The layout may differ but the same information will exist.

On this page, we can:

  • Learn more about any other covered services not listed on the SBC (continued from page 5).
  • Learn more about continuation coverage under COBRA if coverage cancels under this plan.
  • Get instructions on how to appeal or file a grievance for a claim that is believed to be processed incorrectly.
  • Confirm whether the plan meets the Minimum Essential Coverage standards as required under the Affordable Care Act.
  • Confirm whether the plan meets the Minimum Value Standard as required under the Affordable Care Act.
  • Find contact information under Language Access Services if assistance is needed in another language other than English.

SBC pg 6.png

Key Terms:

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