Set up managers and approvers for HR change requests

Managers can make requests, e.g., to make changes for a direct or indirect report, or to hire someone. By default, any employee with at least one direct report in Zenefits is considered a manager.

  • Approvers  can approve or deny requests from a manager.
  • Approvers  can be any employee or administrator within the company, and may or may not be a manager as well.
  • If no  approver is set, all requests will automatically go to the primary administrator.

Managers can make requests to update worker information. Those requests are routed to approvers based on the company's Approver Settings.

  1. Select the Directory or My Team app.
  2. Click on the Approver Settings and Add new approval.
  3. Create your approval chain.
  4. Choose the types of requests that this new approver should receive.
    • New Hires
    • Transfers
    • Salary Changes
    • Terminations
  5. Enter the work locations, departments, and/or managers from whom this  approver  should receive requests.
  6. Enter the name of the  approver( s ). If multiple  approvers are entered, they will receive the same types of requests from the same  requestors. If desired, add the  approvers  in a tiered approval chain.

These settings can always be changed by returning to the Approver  Settings  page and clicking Edit next to specific  approvers.

Keep in mind that each manager, location and department adds to the  approver’ s scope. For example, if an  approver  is set up for the Sales department and the New York location, that  approver  will get all requests coming from Sales (regardless of location) and all requests from New York (regardless of department).

For example:
  • A manager needs to add a software engineer to the team. This manager hires someone through Zenefits. The new hire request is sent to the approver (e.g., Director of HR) who receives new hire requests from this manager. The approver agrees with the hiring decision and approves the request.
  • A year later, the manager wants to give this engineer a raise and submits a request for a salary change. This request is received by another approver (e.g., the CFO), who reviews the request, but decides to deny it because the raise is too small.

Setting Up Approval Chains

In a tiered approval chain, a request must be approved by each  approver  in each tier in turn. The request must be approved by all approvers  in order to be approved.

To set up an approval chain:

  1. From the Add New Approval page, enter an employee or admin name under the Approved By box. This will be the first  approver.
  2. To add more  approvers, click on Add new tier.

Requests can go to more than one  approver, depending on the setup. For example, if Charles Dickens is an  approver  for the San Francisco location and Oliver Twist is an  approver  for the Marketing department, a request from a marketing manager in San Francisco will go to both and will require both of their approvals.

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