Assigning Multiple Pay Rates in Zenefits Payroll

Once multiple pay rates have been set up in the Company Profile, you can assign these to your workers in Zenefits Payroll.

  1. From the Payroll app, select the Pay Runs tab and click on the Draft run you'd like to edit.
  2. Click on a specific worker you'd like to edit.
  3. Beneath Earnings, you'll see it defaults to their regular pay rate.
  4. To add a pay rate for a different position, click +Add Labor Fields.
  5. Next to Position Code (or whichever labor group you're editing), you can select a different position from the drop down. The new rate will be displayed, and you can alter the hours as needed.
  6. If you change the Rate per Hour in the Labor Code pop-up window, it will only change it for this specific pay run. If you wanted to change the rate permanently, you'd need to go to this worker's profile from the Directory app. Detailed steps can be found here.
  7. Once you're finished with this labor field, click Add.
  8. You can continue to add as many different customized labor fields as needed. Once you're done, click Save to return to the Draft run.
If you'd like to see this in video form, check out our Zenefits Training section! Note that you will need to log in to view these.

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