How to edit missing or incorrect information in order to run payroll

If Zenefits Payroll notices that workers are missing or have incorrect information for anything in this list, payroll can't be run until the error is resolved. Here's an easy way to add or correct, for one or more workers, any missing or incorrect information that's blocking payroll submission.

Correct Errors For Single Worker

To quickly make changes to a single worker:

  1. While in the Payroll app, click People in the top menu bar to bring up the list of people in payroll.
  2. Click on the individual's name to open their pay template, then on the Details panel.
  3. In the upper right corner of the pay template, click the Edit iconScreen Shot 2016-01-09 at 5.12.15 PM.png to make any needed changes.
  4. Verify the worker has the following information.
    • In the Personal Information tab, check for an SSN.
    • In the Employment and Compensation tab, check for:
      • correct Work Location
      • Compensation Type (Salaried or Hourly)
      • Annual Salary or Hourly rate
    • In the Banks & Paychecks tab, check for:
      • Payment Method (Direct Deposit or Check)
      • If Direct Deposit, check for account and routing numbers for at least one account.
  5. If any information is missing or incorrect, click Make Changes or the edit icon in the appropriate table and enter/correct the information.

Correct Errors for Multiple Workers

To bulk update information for multiple workers in payroll:

  1. Clickimageat the very top of the page, and choose Directory from the list of apps. Or, from the main Dashboard, click the Directory app.
  2. Above the table of people, click Bulk Update/Export.
  3. Under Select which type of employee, choose the type you'd like to edit:
    • Active Employees are already in payroll.
    • Set-up employees that have not finished onboarding.
  4. Select one or more details to edit for your workers.
  5. Click Download Spreadsheet to download Excel sheet.
  6. Fill out the information, and then click Next.
  7. Click Upload to upload the completed spreadsheet, and click Validate to check the data.
  8. If there are errors, correct them, then click Done to finish.

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