Prepare and Download Exports from Pay Connect

Here's how companies who use Pay Connect can export payroll information for a specific pay period and use the reports to update payroll.

1. Prepare and Download Payroll Reports

To get started, click the Pay Connect app and navigate to the Updates tab. Before generating the reports, Zenefits verifies that all workers have complete and correct information. To ensure that each report is complete and captures the necessary updates for payroll, make sure to correct or add any missing information. You'll also have the option to have Zenefits email any worker to have them provide missing/correct information.

Once the information's complete, navigate to the Reports & Forms tab. Zenefits will generate the following reports:

  • the Modifications report, which lists any changes to personal, bank, or tax info.
  • the Deductions report, which lists changes to deductions amounts.
  • the New Hires report, which lists any newly onboarded workers that should be added to payroll.
  • the Termination report, which lists any workers that should be terminated in payroll.

2. Update Payroll

After downloading the reports, log in to payroll either manually enter the changes in each of the download reports or upload your report into the import section of your payroll system.

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