Managing Bi-Weekly Deductions with Pay Connect

For companies that sync payroll, Zenefits will push deduction amounts to payroll for those paid bi-weekly depending on the bi-weekly calculation method Zenefits uses for that company.

  • For companies on Method 1 (24 periods), Zenefits will push normal deductions to payroll twice a month. For months with three paychecks, deductions are pushed the first two paychecks and no deductions are pushed on the third paycheck. It is sometimes referred to as a "benefits deductions holiday". If special deduction adjustments are approved, they will be pushed on the following paycheck.

  • For companies on Method 2 (26 periods), Zenefits will push normal deductions for all paychecks in the month. If there are two paychecks, deductions are pushed twice. For months with three paychecks, deductions are pushed three times. For all months, if special deductions are required, they'll be pushed with normal deductions the following paycheck.
    Note: There is a limitation for this method. Zenefits system does not consider the remaining number of paychecks in the plan year or calendar year to accurately calculate the revised deduction amounts, whenever there is a change in the middle of the plan year, including deduction amounts for new hires. In such cases, the administrator may have to reconcile the deductions manually for those employees.

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