FAQs About the Company Organization Chart

The Organization Chart cannot be customized to include new information, or hidden from view.

  • The chart contains the same information for everyone.
  • The Org Chart is either visible to everyone, or turned off and visible to no one. To remove the Organization Chart click on the Company Profile app, then Permissions. Select the edit icon next to Company Org Chart & Directory and mark Hidden from everyone. 

Your company's Organization Chart can't be edited directly. Instead, it will automatically update when reporting changes are made to worker details by administrators, managers, and employees themselves.

For example, to move someone to a different position in the Org Chart, you'll need to transfer that worker from their old manager to a new manager.

The following information is visible in the Organization Chart for each active employee at the company:

  • Name (or Preferred Name, if available)
  • Department
  • Location
  • Title
  • Phone
  • Work Phone
  • Email

Personal pronouns will also display for employees who've chosen them.

Once a new hire has received their registration email and creates their username and password, they will show up as an active employee in the company organization chart.

Only active employees who've complete onboarding and registration will show up in the Organization Chart. Terminated employees are excluded from the chart.

You can hide your personal phone number from being shown to others in the company. To do this, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Click on the 'Personal Information' app
  2. Scroll down to 'Contact Info'
  3. Click on the edit pencil and deselect " Visible to coworkers"

Administrators also have the ability to hide a personal phone number. Administrators will be able to follow these steps to remove:
  1. Open the 'Directory'  app and select the individual's name
  2. Click on the edit pencil on the 'Contact Info' section and deselect "Visible to coworkers" 
Administrators may download their company’s org chart in Zenefits by following the steps below:
  1. Click on Directory
  2. Select Org Chart
  3. Click Download in the top, right corner.
Note: The steps above will only download what is visible on your screen. To download the full org chart, click Expand All and then Download.

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