Updating Employee Basic Information

Zenefits is your company’s HR system of record. Zenefits will not directly change or update employee information on behalf of our customers. As an employee, you are responsible for updating your information in your Zenefits account. Employees can edit their basic information, contact information, address, personal email address, tax information, and emergency contact information in their own profile by following these steps:

  1. Open the Personal Information app
  2. Select the pencil icon to edit the relevant section
  3. Make the required updates
  4. Select Save to confirm the changes
Learn more about the Personal Information app.  If you are having issues updating your information, please reach out to your HR Contact at your company. To locate your HR Contact, please refer to the Company Contacts on the right hand side of your dashboard. 

Administrators can edit an employee's basic information, contact information, address, and emergency contact information in the employee's profile by following these steps:

  1. Open the Directory app 
  2. Select the employee's name
  3. Select the pencil icon to edit the relevant section
  4. Make the required updates
  5. Select Save to confirm the changes

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