Engagement FAQs

Once you have created a survey, you cannot edit the respondents to include additional workers. However, if a new worker is hired during the survey and they fit into the selected respondent filters, they'll be invited to join.

Once a survey period has ended, full company admins and HR admins can view the survey results by taking these steps.

  1. Log in to your Zenefits admin account and click on Engagement.
  2. Click the Surveys tab, then the Archived tab.
  3. Click the Results button next to one of the completed surveys.
If you're a manager or team lead of 5 or more of the survey respondents, an admin can share the results with you from this page.

Surveys are one time only. If you'd like to use surveys on a recurring basis, you'll need to use the Create Survey steps each time.

You can exclude new hires from surveys when setting up a survey in the Respondents step. At the bottom of the filter panel, you'll see a dropdown labeled Exclude New Hires. By selecting one of these, any new hires falling within the selected range will be excluded.

A department head can view the responses to a survey including 5 or more of their direct reports if:

Yes! If your company has the Engagement app through their Zenefits HR package, you'll be able to access Engagement through the Zenefits app.

All workers will have access to the Engagement app, in order to complete surveys.

If you wish to exclude certain types of workers from a survey, such as international workers, or independent contractors, you can do so in the Respondents step.

All engagement survey responses are completely anonymized (all identifying information is removed) and aggregated. Any full company admin and HR admin of the company will be able to view the aggregated, anonymized survey responses. The anonymized and aggregated results can also be shared with managers and team leads who have 5 or more direct reports as respondents.

If you select to hide a question from the template (by selecting the eye icon), then none of the survey respondents will see the question.

The question will also not be used for any benchmarking purposes, or in the calculation of the engagement survey score. The question will also not appear in any of the survey results or reporting.

Also keep in mind that just because you are hiding the question for this survey, it will not update the template. The next time you run a survey using the template, you'd still need to re-hide the question again.

Yes! We plan on exploring new survey templates and identifying ways to align them with an employee and company life cycle.

You can add, edit, or hide questions in any of the existing survey templates. However, if you decide none of the provided templates work for you, you can also create a custom survey from scratch.

At this time, no. We are exploring customization options as needed, but have received feedback from most administrators that the current notifications align with their expectations.

While you can't customize the automated notifications, you can always use other communication to supplement the ones sent by Zenefits. We recommend using the People Hub to post an announcement about surveys, which can complement the automated notifications and remind respondents of the opportunity to voice their opinions.

All survey responses remain entirely anonymous, and any group with less than 5 responses will not be able to be viewed. For example if a manager has only 3 direct reports, and the Survey Owner filters results by that manager's name, they will not be able to see any of the responses.

This is to protect respondent anonymity. If a group, or represented population, consists of less than 5 individuals, then we do not display survey results. 

Yes! The survey owner can download the survey details once the survey period has ended.

1. In the Engagement app, click on Surveys.
2. Click the Archived tab.
3. Click Results next to a completed survey.
4. Scroll down to the Comments section, then click Download All.
5. The Excel file will contain a cover page with a summary of the survey details, as well as the anonymized responses separated by question.

We hope to provide a look into this data over time in the future, so you can how the same survey has performed throughout the year.

Results of an engagement survey are tied to the department/manager and location. Up until the start date of the survey period, this will be dynamic. So if you create a survey for the period of January 20-January 30 and you had 10 direct reports, those 10 people would receive a notification of the survey. If you had an additional 5 people report to you beginning January 15, they would then also be invited to participate in the survey with your existing 10 reports. 

However, beginning on the start date of the survey period, the survey will become static. So if you had an additional 5 people begin reporting to you on January 20, they would not be invited to participate in the survey and the survey results would reflect when you had 15 direct reports.

There are a couple of things to note when creating a custom survey:
  • Zenefits templates are industry standard, and allow users to capture the proven aspects related to engagement.
  • Results provided for the templates have been researched thoroughly, so questions created by a company may not be as relevant to industry standard engagement.
There will be no changes to the engagement survey results, even if there is a change in management. The hierarchy of the organization structure is frozen on the day of survey launch. Post the survey launch, changes in the team will not alter the way the scores are aligned.
For example, let's say Manager X has 6 direct reports during the launch of survey, but they are replaced by Manager Y shortly after the survey launch. In this case, Manager Y will not be able to find the result of 6 workers. Manager Y can get access to the results by getting in touch with Manager X.

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