FAQs Applying for Insurance as an Employee

If you've selected your medical, dental, and vision plans as a new hire, but would like to change it, you can do so up to 30 days after your effective date. For example, if your effective date is 11/01/2017, you can make changes up to 11/30/2017. To make changes, you'll log in and click on the banner at the top of the screen that reads, "Change or review your benefits selections until November  30th, 2017 at 23:59 p.m. PST" in order to make any changes.

If an individual has both group coverage and Medicare, they will need to coordinate with the carrier directly to determine which policy will be considered their Primary and which policy will be considered their Secondary. This is called Coordination of Benefits, and will dictate how their providers will bill for services and which policy will process the claim first.

Employees with Medicare who are also signing up for coverage through Zenefits do not need to provide any Medicare information to Zenefits. However, they will have to provide this information to their health care provider, so the provider is aware that the employee has both primary and secondary coverage. This will ensure that their billing is accurate.

For more information, please click this link.

Enrolling in group coverage may also impact premium. If an employee is enrolled in group coverage and is considering enrolling in Medicare, they can reach out to Zenefits Support for clarity around how enrolling in Medicare may impact their insurance costs through their employer.

Medicare will not have information on an employee's group policy, so they will not be able to advise on the potential premium impact. This information can be confirmed with the group policy's insurance carrier directly.

Some employees prefer to maintain their existing coverage until after Zenefits confirms the new application is approved. This ensures that there is no lapse in your coverage as you transition from one plan to the next. Alternatively, some employees prefer to cancel their existing insurance prior to receiving approval of their new insurance in order to avoid paying dual premiums.

However, if you have existing coverage under a carrier and you're applying for new coverage with the same carrier (e.g., both your new and previous employers use the same insurance carrier), the carrier won't approve your new application until the old coverage is cancelled.

If you find yourself in this situation:

  1. Contact your previous employer’s HR department or the carrier itself to cancel coverage.
  2. Request that your existing coverage is cancelled after the effective date for your new plans.

Once this has been done, Zenefits can submit the application for approval.

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