Security of Data

We've anonymized and aggregated compensation from the hundreds of thousands of users on the Zenefits platform, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the United States Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration to develop our Compensation Management tool. Compensation Management allows our customers to benchmark the salaries of their entire workforce using relevant market data.

Zenefits take the security and privacy of our customer's data very seriously. All data available in the tool will undergo strict anonymization and aggregation prior to being leveraged for benchmarking.

Zenefits take the following steps to anonymize and aggregate data:

  • We remove any company or individual identifiers.

  • We standardize job titles, experience levels, salaries, industry mapping, and geography mapping

  • If there are less than 5 data points (or if they are all from the same company), then we move to a higher level of abstraction

  • No benchmark data is displayed until an appropriate threshold is reached

All company and individual data will be appropriately de-identified  and aggregated prior to being leveraged by the benchmarking tool and cannot be linked back to a specific individual, or company.

  • Industry
  • Sub-industry
  • Title
  • Experience level
  • Geography
  • Salary

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