How do I create a custom review?

Start a New Review, give it a name, and add a description. 

Choose your reviewees. You can pick from Entire CompanyMy Subordinates, Specific People and Custom. The custom option filters by rules you set up: department, work location, job title, earnings type, or employment type. You can also choose to exclude individuals.

Then you can begin formatting the questions. 

Add a question by clicking on the +Add question button. Enter the question and a description, if desired. 

There are three types of responses available: 

  • Text: Gives reviewers free form text box to answer the question. 
  • Rating (up to 10 point scale): Rate on a scale beginning at 1 (Low)
  • Both text and rating

When completing a review, you'll see the goals for the reviewee  in the collapsible right hand side panel.

goals in reviews

If the reviewee hasn't created any goals, you'll see [Name] doesn't have any goals in the side panel.

You'll have the option to toggle between Ongoing Goals and Closed Goals in the drop down.

If your company doesn't use goals, or you don't wish to reference goals in the review, you can hide the panel at any time by clicking Hide.

If you don't have permission to access the reviewee's goals, then you will not see the side panel at all.

Customize the rating labels if desired.

Click the pencil icon to edit the question, description, or response type. 
Reorder questions by clicking on the up or down arrows. 
Remove questions by clicking on the trash can icon. 

Next, select who will be completing the review: 
  • The Reporting Manager 
  • A manger’s Direct Reports 
  • Peers that share the same manager 
  • Self-Review 
Depending on the type of review created, you can set up a different combination of reviewers. 

Select how you want managers to share feedback with their reports. Either the manager summarizes all reviews and shares the summary with their direct report; or, nothing is shared with their direct report.

In the next section, create a schedule for the review. 

There are options to schedule the review as one-time or recurring:
  • Once
  • Repeated
  • On a custom schedule 
The schedule can repeat on a specific number of days or months. 

For the custom option, you can schedule reviews based on the employee's start date. For example, you can run a review 30 days after the employee’s start date and then every 6 months thereafter.
If you include someone in a review, but their custom schedule date doesn't generate, a manager or admin will have to manually set the start date. For example, if you run a review scheduled for  30 days after start date and include someone who hasn't been part of the company for 30 days. Once you manually set the date, the review will begin, and recur as dictated in the setup. There will also be an option to repeat the review after the last custom run.

The last step is to assign a due date for the review. Administrators can enter a number of days after the review is started to set the due date. Once you configure all the settings, begin the review by clicking the Start button.

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