Where can I see review progress?

In Performance Management, all reviews have a Reviewer Progress and Feedback Progress bar. This assists with at a glance comprehension of the progress of reviews.

All Review Options

The All Reviews page will have the following breakdown for each review:
  • Reviewer Progress: break down progress by percentage completed
  • Feedback Progress: break down progress by percentage completed
There is also a null ("-") option for when no reviewers have been selected yet, or the review is setup so that no summary needs to be shared.

Individual Review Options

Once you click into an individual review, you'll see the following progress bars at the top of the page:
  • Reviewee Progress: this will display the overall submission progress for all reviewees
  • Feedback Progress (if Feedback Summary was required)
The Feedback Progress bar may not apply if there is no Feedback Summary required for that review. Administrators will also be able to see how each submission is progressing for each reviewee.

Once you've clicked into the individual review page, you also have the option to toggle between the Reviewees and Reviewers tabs. 

From the Reviewees tab view, you'll see:

  • A list of the reviewees along with their job title and department
  • The dates of the review period
  • The reviewer progress (to see a list of who is reviewing them, click the dotted status)
  • Feedback progress (if applicable)
From the Reviewers tab view, you'll see:
  • A list of the reviewers along with their job title and department
  • The reviewer progress (to see a list of who they are reviewing, click the dotted status)
  • Feedback progress (if applicable)


Beneath the title of the review, you'll have the option to filter by Department and Location. This will filter both the results shown, as well as the progress bars for the selected values.

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