Using the Zenefits Card

The Zenefits Card can be used to pay for eligible expenses with FSA, HRA, HSA, and commuter benefits funds.

How do I use the Zenefits Card to pay for expenses?

The Zenefits Card is designed to work as a credit card, rather than a debit card. Select the Credit option when making a purchase at any checkout counter and sign the purchase r... Learn more

How do I locate the PIN for my Zenefits Card?

PINs are necessary when you run your card as debit. For purchases run as credit, the personal zip code on file will be required. To find the PIN for a Zenefits Card: Clic... Learn more

Why was my Zenefits Card transaction declined?

There are several reasons why a Zenefits Card may be declined. The most common issues are insufficient funds, incorrect entry of a PIN, terminated employment, or attempting... Learn more

How do I view my Flex Benefits account balances in Zenefits?

Balances for HRAs, FSA, and Commuter Benefits accounts can be viewed from the proper card in Zenefits. Recommended Email Response Copy and paste the below text as part o... Learn more

Can I use the Zenefits Card when I am no longer with my company?

When employment ends, the employee will not be able to make any new transactions using their card on the official date of their termination. Their Zenefits card will be deactiva... Learn more

How do I repay ineligible purchases made with my Zenefits Card?

Employees who spend their Flex Benefits funds on ineligible items or services, or fail to provide receipts for certain types of purchases (e.g., for a Health Care or Child & Eld... Learn more

I have already submitted a receipt, why am I still being asked to submit another receipt?

If you have already uploaded a receipt, and you are still being asked to upload another receipt, it typically means the original receipt was deemed insufficient. If the original... Learn more

I do not have a receipt, what are my next steps?

If you are unable to obtain an itemized receipt from your provider, you could also use an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) to substantiate the transaction. If you are not able to o... Learn more

Why do I need to substantiate my Flex Benefits expense?

Employees who use their Zenefits Card at a merchant who has not implemented an inventory information approval system (IIAS), which automatically identifies eligible medical expe... Learn more

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