I have already submitted a receipt, why am I still being asked to submit another receipt?

If you have already uploaded a receipt, and you are still being asked to upload another receipt, it typically means the original receipt was deemed insufficient. 

If the original receipt that was uploaded was deemed insufficient, then we will reach out and ask for another receipt. To substantiate a transaction you will need to upload an itemized receipt. You can also submit an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) displaying the portion of the transaction that you had to pay for. Below are the details required on a receipt to substantiate a transaction:
  • The employee or dependent’s name
  • The date the item or service was purchased
  • The name of the provider who offered the item or service
  • The price of the item or service
  • The name of the item or service you received
  • If the receipt is for Dependent Care, the following additional details must be included: Provider's Tax ID, or the provider's Social Security Number.
If you are unable to provide substantiation, then you may view this Help Center page for your next steps.

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