FAQs About the Partner Companies Table

With the Partner Companies table, Partners can view their Active, Enrolling, and Setting Up customers. 

  • Active Companies — Any company associated with the Partner that has completed implementation. 
  • Enrolling — Any Active company that is currently in an enrollment period; e.g., Open Enrollment, Initial Enrollment, Switch Enrollment. 
  • Setting Up — Any company associated with the Partner that is currently in an implementation and doesn’ t have active benefits. 
Partners can also take various actions related to their book of business, including: 
  • Downloading a book of business report 
  • Copying benefits from one group to another, including overwriting an existing benefits setup flow 
  • Deleting a benefits setup flow 
  • Linking a child company to its parent

From the Partner Companies table, partners can export (via email) an effective-dated report of all companies in their book of business, incorporating a variety of Company Details and Enrollment Information. 

Click the Export button and select the desired columns and date (optional) to generate the report.

If a company has a parent company or has similar benefits to another company, Partners can clone plans and contribution schemes from that company to the “child” or destination company. This action can also be done in bulk if multiple child companies have been selected. 

To copy benefits, click on the kebab icon to the right of the desired company, and select Copy Benefits. Then, choose the source company — you can optionally indicate if you want to link the source company as the parent company, and copy contribution policies. 

Copying benefits can also be done “in bulk” by select two or more companies and clicking “Copy Benefits.” Copying benefits from the “parent” or source company will work in one of the following ways: 

  • If there is an active Benefits setup in progress for the source company (i.e., an incomplete renewal build that has not launched to the company), the Copy Benefits tool will copy that setup’s plans and contributions, if applicable. 
  • If there is no active Renewal setup, the Copy Benefits tool will copy the last setup that was processed in the Benefits setup flow — i.e., if a plan was added to the source company after their last Renewal was launched, this plan would not be included in the copying process. Only plans that are involved in the last Benefits setup will be copied.

If a “child” company has already started a benefits setup (e.g., the Renewals flow), Partners can use this tool to overwrite the setup with a “parent” company’s benefits setup. The same rules from Copy Benefits apply here. 

To copy and overwrite benefits, click on the kebab icon to the right of the desired company, and select Copy and Overwrite Benefits. Then, choose the source company — you can optionally indicate if you want to link the source company as the parent company, and copy contribution policies.

If you accidentally start a Benefits setup for a company in implementation, Partners can easily delete the benefits setup and start fresh. 

Click on the kebab icon to the right of the desired company, and select Delete Benefits Setup.

Partners can link child companies to their parent company. This comes in handy if you want to filter by “Parent Company” on the Partner Companies table. 

To link a company to another, click on the kebab icon to the right of the desired company, and select Link to Parent. Then, choose the parent company.

From the Partner Companies table, broker administrators and renewals managers can request administrator access to companies within the broker's book of business.

To request access, click on the kebab icon to the right of the desired company, and click Request Access. 

Then, complete and submit the access request form. The company's administrators (i.e., any user with permission to add or remove administrators) will receive a notification, and they'll be able to approve or deny your request. When your request has been approved or denied, you'll receive a final notification.

Following approval, you will be able to access the company's dashboard by clicking on the kebab icon, and then clicking Company Dashboard.

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