Rate Structures

When this rate structure is selected, the premiums will be based on the age of each individual member.

If you are selecting a stock plan, the region and rates associated with the company zip code will automatically populate.  If you do not see any rates on this page, it means we do not have those associated with your company's zip code.  This happens if you are offering a plan underwritten in  different state than your company's location.  In this case, you may need to base the premiums off the individual's zip code, which you can do by navigating to the Basic Information step in the plan load and unchecking  the box labeled Use Employer Zip Code for Premiums.

Alternatively, you can enter your own rates that were issued by the insurance carrier.

When this rate structure is selected, premiums are assigned based on the 4 enrollment tiers:  

  • Employee Only
  • Employee + Spouse
  • Employee + Child (ren)
  • Employee + Family
Premiums can be further assigned based on the employee's age by clicking Add Age Band at the bottom of the page.

When this rate structure is selected, premiums are assigned based on the employee's family size:

  • Employee Only
  • Employee + 1
  • Employee + 2 or more
Premiums can be further assigned based on the employee's age by clicking Add Age Band at the bottom of the page.

When this rate structure is selected, premiums are assigned based on the employee's family type and gender:

  • Employee (M)
  • Employee (F)
  • Employee (M) + Spouse
  • Employee (F) + Spouse
  • Employee (M) + Child
  • Employee (F) + Child
  • Employee (M) + Family
  • Employee (F) + Family
Premiums can be further assigned based on the employee's age by clicking Add Age Band at the bottom of the page.

When this rate structure is selected, adults' premiums are assigned based on each member's gender, while children's premiums are considered a per-child premium, and max out at 3 children (i.e. an employee will be billed for a maimum of 3 children, even if there are more enrolled):

  • Adult Male
  • Adult Female
  • CH (per)
Premiums can be further assigned based on the adult's age by clicking Add Age Band at the bottom of the page.

When this rate structure is selected, adult's premiums will be based on each member's gender, while children's premiums are considered a total premium (i.e. no matter how many children are enrolled, the employee will be billed a flat premium):

  • Male
  • Female
  • Child (Total)
Premiums can be further assigned based on the adult's age by clicking Add Age Band at the bottom of the page.

When this rate structure is selected, adult's premiums are assigned based on each member's gender and person type, while children's premiums are split up as flat premiums (i.e. if an employee has 2 children, they will be billed for the 2CH flat premium):

  • Employee (M)
  • Employee (F)
  • Spouse (M)
  • Spouse (F)
  • 1 Child
  • 2 Children
  • 3+ Children
Premiums ca be further assigned based on the adult's age by clicking Add Age Band at the bottom of the page.

When this rate structure is selected, adult's premiums are assigned based on each member's gender, while children's premiums are split up as flat premiums (e.g. is an employee has 2 or more children, they will be billed for the 2+CH flat premium):

  • Male
  • Female
  • 1 Child
  • 2+ Children
Premiums can be further assigned based on the adult's age by clicking Add Age Band at the bottom of the page.

When this rate structure is selected, all premiums are assigned based on each member's gender:

  • Employee (M)
  • Employee (F)
  • Spouse (M)
  • Spouse (F)
  • Child (M) (per)
  • Child (F) (per)
Premiums can be further assigned based on each member's age by clicking Add Age Band at the bottom of the page.

When this rate structure is selected, premiums are assigned based on the employee's gender and family type:

  • Employee (M)
  • Employee (F)
  • Employee (M)+ Spouse
  • Employee (F) + Spouse
  • Employee (M) + Child (ren)
  • Employee (F) + Child (ren)
Premiums can be further assigned based on the employee's age by clicking Add Age Band at the bottom of the page.

When this rate structure is selected, adult's premiums are assigned based on each member's gender, while children's premiums are split up as flat premiums, depending on how many are enrolled and also whether or not the spouse is enrolled: 

  • Employee (M)
  • Employee (F)
  • Spouse (M)
  • Spouse (F)
  • 1 Child (when Spouse is not enrolled)
  • 2 Children (when Spouse is not enrolled)
  • 3 Children (when Spouse is not enrolled)
  • 1 Child (when Spouse is enrolled)
  • 2 Children (when Spouse is enrolled)
  • 3 Children (when Spouse is enrolled)
Premiums can be further assigned based on the adult's age by clicking Add Age Band at the bottom of the page.

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